Thursday, September 17, 2009

ACORN Announces Reforms After 'Pimp,' 'Prostitute' Videos

ACORN Announces Reforms After 'Pimp,' 'Prostitute' Videos


 Acorn Reform, such a joke it's a corrupt organization which is trying to say it has a few bad people and everywhere you look you see there muck in every city. As they say it's only a few people, there have been 11 people charged in there organization with voter fraud and now round up to 6 to 7 ACORN offices been caught in this Video that those to people disguised themselves as a pimp and prostitute.  So do not believe them when they are saying we will reform...No they won't they will stay the same which is being a corrupt organization and they will continue in way. 


And ACORN is being paid with our tax dollars.

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