Thursday, November 19, 2009

Rush Limbaugh Quotes

Wednesday Quotes: Your Conservative Rock
November 18, 2009

"Attorney General Holder says justice has been delayed for the victims of USS Cole. The Cole was bombed in 2000, when Eric Holder was the deputy attorney general!"

"Layoffs are beginning at the Associated Press. I guess that means there are probably no more Sarah Palin books to fact check out there." 

"It's stupid to run out and say that the goal of the jobs summit is not job creation; then what the hell is it? Well, it's a propaganda meeting! It's for Obama to save some face and shift the blame!"

"Let me ask you something: After all these supposed fat cats get their compensation slashed to the bare bone, is your life going to be any better? See, the Democrats are counting on satisfying you simply by fulfilling your desire for revenge."

"We haven't suffered any moral failing here in America. Maybe among some elite leftists in Europe, but who gives a crap? Who cares what Hugo Chavez thinks?"

"Remember all the conventional wisdom: 'Hey, Rush, don't worry about Bush signing campaign finance reform. The Supreme Court will never find it constitutional.' Meanwhile, today we have campaign finance reform -- which is why when there's conventional wisdom, you'll find ol' El Rushbo running in the opposite direction."

"Now, if these clowns, these terrorists, are convicted without having been Mirandized, what does that precedent set? Can't they then be denied to us in the future under this precedent?" 

"Who in the world is going to want to join the intelligence agencies now with the possibility that their work is going to be made public and brought into court? This is sick stuff."

"You know, John, I want to give you something. I can hear the stress and the nervousness in your call. I am going to give you a bunch of HoMedics massagers. At least while you're looking for a job now, you can get a massage at the same time on us."

"Whether Obama is diabolical, deceitful, or just plainly incompetent doesn't matter. The end result is the same: rotten."

"Now, I do not believe Obama's naive. He's a Saul Alinskyite. He knows exactly what he's doing here -- that's what's so insidious about it."

"Obama said that creating jobs is 'not the goal of a coming White House forum on jobs and economic growth. The president told ABC News today that the purpose of the December 3rd summit is to figure out how to encourage hiring by businesses still reluctant to do so.' Would somebody tell me the difference here?" 

"Well, look at this, folks! Sarah Palin, on with The Oprah on Monday, gave The Oprah her highest ratings in two years. And I don't think there was a tear shed in that show, was there?"

"On December 3rd we're going to do our own unemployment forum, and we're going to do what Obama won't do: we're going to talk to those of you who are unemployed, exclusively, and we're going to hear what you think needs to be done."

"Dick Durbin claims that no one complained about the Moussaoui trial being in a civilian court, but that's not true, and that trial was a circus. People may have forgotten that, but I haven't."

"Even while executing broadcast excellence flawlessly, I still continue to do show prep because I, El Rushbo, a man who everybody would like to be, can multitask."

" is a comedy of errors, and also totally predictable, folks. Another government bureaucracy that acts like a bureaucracy and doesn't know what it's doing? Big shock!"

"Remember one of the things about Club Gitmo: 'Oh, we have to shut it down because it's a tool for recruiting more terrorists!' I guess they don't care about that now."

"Barack Obama's failure for the United States is, to him, a success story. This is what is so maddening and infuriating: he wants this chaos, he wants people on welfare, he wants people dependent on government."

"I know some trial lawyers down here, and I sent a note to one other day: 'When are we going to get together for dinner?' And my trial lawyer friend said: 'I can't do it today because I'm in a medical malpractice seminar at a local hotel.'"

"By the way, whatever happened to the swine flu? All those stories about death and destruction and the sick... We just don't see it. It must not be a panic or emergency out there anymore." 

"Sarah Palin has locked out the media for a future speech. They're going to be fit to be tied, but don't forget: Algore never permits the media into any of his speeches, either, and they don't cry a tear about that."

"The views expressed by the host on this program are documented to be almost always right 99.3% of the time. I don't think anybody in media ever has had such an astronomically, unbelievably high percentage of opinion accuracy as my most recent accuracy audit suggest."

"We do not have a rotten image in the world. We're on the way to acquiring one, however, because we are going to willingly give away what it was that made this country exceptional."  

"The left is so perverted; I'm sure they have plenty of judges who would probably consider themselves heroes to find the United States guilty here, as opposed to Khalid Sheikh Mohammed." 

"Eric Holder has, in my opinion, a huge conflict of interest regarding these 9/11 trail decisions. You know why? Eric Holder's law firm has had a significant role already in defending over a dozen of these terrorists. This is deadly serious stuff, folks."

"Senator Lindsey Grahamnesty raised concerns today that Eric Holder was imperiling national security, but a little side note: Lindsey Grahamnesty voted to confirm Eric Holder as attorney general."

"I know a lot of guys who look like they need mammogram, but I'm not going to name any names."

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